Blog Archive

Check out all blog posts in my blog archive. Click on a headline to read the teaser.

Electric Vehicles Charging Time Constrained Deliverable Provision of Secondary Frequency Regulation
Getting Started with LTB
for CURENT Large-scale Testbed (LTB) › DiME and AGVis: Distributed Messaging Environment and Geographical Visualizer
Virtual Inertia Scheduling (VIS) for Microgrids with Static and Dynamic Security Constraints
Virtual Inertia Scheduling (VIS) for Real-time Economic Dispatch of IBR-penetrated Power Systems
A Transient Stability Perspective with the CURENT Large-Scale Testbed (LTB) › Advancing a Decarbonized Power Grid
Large-Scale Testbed in April 2023 › A Comprehensive Power System Testing Platform
Disturbance Propagation in Power Grids With High Converter Penetration
Transmission-and-Distribution Co-Simulation Framework
Large-Scale Testbed in April 2021 › A Virtual Power Grid for Closed-loop Controls in Research and Testing